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About Us

 At Main Street
United Methodist Church,
we're committed to
building relationships
and serving God and others
as we live out an active faith.

We are located
in the heart of historic Boonville,
on the corner of
5th and Main Streets.

We share a common faith 
with all Christians.

As part of the Wesleyan tradition,
we believe that God’s grace
is the foundation of our faith,
and that through God’s grace
we experience
forgiveness, healing,
and abundant and eternal life.
We live out that belief
through personal discipleship
and social action.

As United Methodists,
we are called to
“Make disciples of Jesus Christ
for the transformation of the world.”

Our life as a congregation
is guided by the Holy Spirit,
and is grounded in baptism
for all ages
and Communion
for all who come in faith.

To learn more about
the United Methodist Church,
visit the UMC website.

For our social principles, click here.

If you’d like to learn more
about our church
by contacting us,
click here.


Our Vision

Our vision is to be a church committed to forming disciples of Jesus in body, mind, and soul; and transforming the world one-by-one.

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